Supply Chains
Adopt responsible sourcing policies for lead-containing materials, seek to identify risks in the supply chain, and use our influence to promote best practices for EHS performance in suppliers’ operations.
The Challenge
About supply chains
Natural mineral resources hold great potential for development but can, in countries where environmental, social, and governance standards and enforcement are inadequate, be associated with significant health and environmental impacts and, in extreme cases, human rights impacts and conflict. Breaking the nexus between these types of risks and supply chains is a critical element in fostering sustainable development, good governance and the rule of law.
Encouraging responsible sourcing across entire supply chains – from extracting, manufacturing all the way through to recycling – supports companies to meet applicable regulatory requirements and EHS due diligence standards, reducing the risk that lead is sourced from a value chain that involves informal or substandard lead smelters. The Lead Battery 360° programme places responsibility on companies to identify risks in their supply chain, and use their purchasing influence to promote best practices for EHS performance in their suppliers’ operations.
Principle 2 Guidelines
Delivering on Guiding Principle 2
The Principle 2 Guidelines (which are one of seven Lead Battery 360° Industry Guidelines supporting the Lead Battery 360° Code) provide guidance and further information on what is expected of companies to effectively deliver on this commitment.